David & Batsheva: A Love Story For The Books

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If you search “trendy, stylish and uber beautiful couple” in the dictionary, David and Batsheva will most definitely pop up. The story of how these two individuals were able to come together as one is one for the books and we are so excited to share it with you all.

The time arrived for David to travel 6,000 miles to Morocco for a life changing hiloula. At the hiloula, David made a special deal with Rabbis that would result in him finding his life partner shortly after returning from Morocco. Like clockwork, a shadchan named Elana Pinto (who also happens to be Batsheva’s sister) posted an enticing message online that crossed the paths of one of David’s friend’s who then sent Elana, David’s number.

Basically what David wanted was a partner who was totally fine with lighting 1,000 candles a day. Cut to David asking Batsheva to shmooz and the rest, as they say, is history.

VENUE: Rustic Valley Ranch

COORDINATOR @whiteleyevents / Sahar Whitley of Whiteley & Co.



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